Armchair BEA – Literature

Literature is many different things to different people. For me it has to do with quality not just the type of book it is. I do refer to certain books as literary fiction because they don’t fall into other genres but that doesn’t make a book literature nor does being literature make a book literary fiction. Especially these days with so many opportunities for someone to put a book out in digital format at their own disgression, I have found that either my standards have gotten higher or the quality of books has gotten lower in many cases. Regardless I find myself with a certain level of expectation regarding mechanics, plot, character development, world building and other key elements that contribute to the story and reading experience when done well. For me a book has to meet quality standards to aspire to the label literature for me. However as mentioned in my first sentence literature is a subjective label and the quality standards of a specific reader will also be subjective. No rating system or label is ever standardized or objective across any given grouping. Everyone has their own opinions. What is up to my standards may not appeal or be up to what someone else may set as their “bar”. But as a voracious reader, long time book blogger and reviewer I must say everyone is entitled to their own opinion so long as they can be respectful of the authors and present their thoughts relative to the book not the person.

One comment

  1. See, people like you and me, we just can’t help it. The inner editor comes out with everything that we read. It’s why people refer to my reviewing style as the “grammar nazi.” If there are editing screwups in the finished product, I am likely to find it. Some people love that about me, and others, well it ticks them off. You know what though, it is who I am. I set the bar pretty high and I expect a certain quality standard, especially when it is a traditionally published book.
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